Current Projects:
Protecting and Restoring Corals Reefs in the USVI
Welcome to Ceiba Strategies' Current Projects hub, where innovation meets impact. As advocates for positive change, we are proud to showcase our ongoing initiatives that embody the spirit of mission-driven success.
Ceiba Strike Team Project
The Ceiba Strategies Virgin Islands Strike Team Project conducts monthly field missions to administer in-water treatments for Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease (SCTLD) in four priority sites in the USVI, including marine protected areas. Ceiba Strike Teams also conduct coral rescue missions to transport sick or endangered corals to recovery facilities in the USVI.
Butler Bay Coral Restoration Project
This project seizes three unique opportunities to scale up coral restoration at a relatively low cost in Butler Bay, St. Croix. Project activities include increasing the biomass of the iconic and threatened elkhorn coral; relocating of corals of opportunity from the bay’s “kill zone” to the restoration area; and increasing genetic diversity of corals through sexual propagation of grooved brain coral during spawning events in 2023 and 2024.